
| 1 min read


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Common Commands

Add repo

helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable

Updating repo. sync all helm charts info.

helm repo update

show you a list of all deployed releases.

helm list

setup helm with our cluster.

helm init
helm repo update

By default helm uses stable repo, we can see
which repos are available using list.

helm repo list

Create a chart

helm create <chart name> 
$ helm package <chart name> - package a chart into tar.gz

install a chart

helm install <name> <chart>

delete a chart

helm delete <chart name>

ChertMuseum install as docker container

docker run --rm -it \
   -p 8080:8080 \
   -e DEBUG=1 \
   -e STORAGE=local \
   -v $(pwd)/charts:/charts \